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Sistah of the Year

How To Become The Sistah of the Year

Sistah Of the Year (SOY), is nominated by other Sistahs who not only recognize her transformation but aspire to walk the same path in their own. SOY, a crown bestowed upon the Sistah whose story includes the essence of what Sistahs In Transformation represents. One who receives, accepts and utilizes the information S.I.T. shares. The SOY is not only uplifting herself, but she also strives to walk beside other Sistahs as they travel along their transformational journey. SOY holds true to her love and commitment for giving back to the community by challenging the narrative and changing the world one Sistah at a time!


2024 Sistahs In Transformation Sistah Of The Year
Faith Kane 

Nominate a Sistah! S.I.T. Members Only

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